3 dis lalu Fariq genap 3 bln. Check up appointment on 7th...Alhamdulillah semakin sihat anak mama nih...
Weight: 6.4kg
length: 60cm
head: 40cm
mcm biasa, Fariq x demam lps kene cucuk...risau gak sbb dos kali ni kuat skit...tp anak mama ni kuat la...good boy! Jom check milestone...source:
http://www.babyzone.com/What to Watch for: 0-3 Months
Motor Development
1-Opens and shuts his hands. - YES
2-Raises his head and chest while lying on his stomach -YES
3-Stretches his legs out and kicks when lying on stomach or back. YES
4-Supports his upper body with her arms when lying on stomach. Tgn x brape kuat lg…
5-Swats at dangling toys placed near him. -YES. Suke main ball
6-Mouths objects brought to his face. -YES. semua benda pon nak masuk mulut
7-Reaches and grasps for things with both hands. -YES
8-Pushes down on legs when feet are placed on a firm surface. -YES. Dah pandai angkat kaki bertatih…comelnye =)
9-Can hold a rattle. -YES. Hold & bring to his mouth k…
Visual Development
1-Watches faces intently. -YES
2-Turns head toward direction of sound. -YES
3-Follows moving objects with his eyes. -YES. Tgk je kalo mama die gerak ke mana2..
4-Recognizes familiar objects and people at a distance. -YES. Dah start kenal org & tempat…kalo x familiar & mama xde mesti nangis…
Language Development
1-Begins to imitate some sounds. mcm x same je bunyi die...he with his own sound =p
2-Begin to babble. -YES. Sgt banyak ckp (bahasa dia la), ayah kate ikut mama die
Social/Emotional Development
1-Reacts when you sing, call his name, or attempt to play. -YES. Mama nyanyi lain, die nyanyi lain…hihi
2-Imitates you when you stick out your tongue. YES
3-Enjoys playing with other people; may cry when playing stops. YES
4-Becomes more communicative with face and body. Reti ikut org senyum je…
5-Imitates your movements. Org suh tepuk tangan, die masuk tangan dlm mulut…
6-Smiles! Grins! -YES comel =p
Cognitive Development
1-Stares at his hands and fingers. YES
2-Plays with his fingers. YES
3-Brings his hands to his mouth. YES...abis buchuk macham...
4-Has accustomed to regular eating and sleeping patterns. Kadang2 x same ikut keadaan la

Being A Working Mom
Bila dah start keje ni, bz skit arr...nak keep on track balik ape yg dah ditinggalkan selama 3 bln...eeuuhhh
Tinggalkan Fariq
Pagi2 kene bgn 5.30am, siapkan diri, siapkan brg2 Fariq, cooler bag, pump etc...
6.15am dah kene kuar umah, antar Fariq ke umah nanny die (my MIL). Setiap pagi pon x sampai hati nak kejutkan/ angkat Fariq yg tgh nyenyak tido...cian anak mama =( kadang2 die sedar, kadang2 tak, kalo ngantuk sgt. Bile sedar mama say "Assalamualaikum & good morning" mesti die senyum. Jarang la bangun tido dgn tangisan. Mane x cair hati mama nih & buatkan mama rase x nak tinggal awak je. Sedihnye..bile teringat die, terus tgk gambar dlm hp...angau mama dgn awak nih, ayah pon jeles =)
Kat umah nanny, Fariq susah tido skit sbb slalu ngempeng je ngan mama die sampai tertido. Ni, mama xde susah la skit..kene dodoi2...peluk2...nak beli buai mcm mls je, kang nak travel payah plak. Balik keje, seboleh2 nak sampai secepat mungkin...masa 1st day tinggal Fariq, mama sampai lambat sbb jln super duper jem...mase tu lepas maghrib, die dah nangis2...yela, mama janji nak amik ptg skali mlm br sampai. Skrang ni..kalo petang2 tuh muka dah semacam...mood pon semacam, selagi x nampak muka mama die. Dgn ayah pon x jalan, nak mama juge...smlm meeting abis dkt kul 7pm...so, ayah die yg amik...die x nak dok diam, ade je x kene...bila dgr suara mama die balik terus mood ceria...alahai anak mama ni... Mama sayang Fariq.
kat opis, aku pam 2 kali...kul 11am & 3pm... skali pam dpt la 7-8 oz...(single pumping, botol x cukup...blom beli additional lg, xleh buat double pumping). Kalo ade meeting kene adjust skit la time pumping tuh. Fariq pon minum x banyak, sehari 8-10 oz...bile mama die balik baru x lepas hisap...cian die x best eh minum tru botol..